Sunday, January 14, 2024


WORDS OF LIFE:  LIVING RIGHT Proverbs 13 Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)13 A wise son listens to his father’s advice, but a proud son will not listen to correction.People get good things for the words they say, but those who cannot be trusted say only bad things.People who are careful about what they say will save their lives, but those who speak without thinking will be destroyed.Lazy people always want things but never get them. Those who work hard get plenty.Good people hate lies, but the wicked do evil, shameful things.Goodness protects honest people, but evil destroys those who love to sin.


Should you really call yourself a Christian when there is no discernible difference between your life and that of a nonbeliever? I'm just saying, if you're still clubbing, drinking, whoring, lying, cheating and stealing, what's the diff? God says He'd rather have you hot or cold, but this straddling the fence just won't do. As we head into a new decade, I implore you to choose this day who you will serve. If you choose God, give Him your all; He's worth making a full stand for!